Bathroom floor drain drainage method

The bathroom floor drain is a very important facility in the bathroom, and drainage is one of its main functions. There are also many methods for draining bathroom floor drains. Here are some commonly used methods for draining bathroom floor drains.

1. Level-based drainage method

The drainage effect of this method is relatively good, mainly relying on factors such as the level of the pipe, the location of the drain outlet, and the speed of drainage to ensure smooth drainage.

2. Inclined drainage method

This method is a method of sloping downward at the drainage outlet on the ground. When the water flows into the drainage outlet, the water will flow downward through the action of gravity, thus achieving the drainage effect.

3. S-shaped inclined drainage method

This method is to design the drain outlet into an S-shaped elbow. When water enters the drain outlet, the water will form a vortex in the elbow, which can effectively prevent the generation of odor and also has a good prevention effect on pollution. .

4. Double drainage method

This method is to add a drainage outlet of a certain height to the original drainage pipe. When the water flows into the first drainage outlet, if it cannot be discharged, it can be drained through the second drainage outlet, thus improving the Drainage capacity also has a good effect in preventing clogging.

In general, the above are several common bathroom floor drain drainage methods. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which method to choose ultimately depends on the actual situation. No matter which method is used, we must clean and maintain the bathroom floor drain regularly to ensure smooth drainage and hygienic conditions.


Post time: Jan-23-2024